Mario 1 Reverse Engineer_ Day 1

Today was the first day of development on reverse engineering Mario 1. I am excited about this project and look forward to learning a lot in the process. 

Initially, I worked on organizing my images and sprites fore the game. I got the basic images for Mario and the levels imported into Game Maker, and split them up. Using the game/level images I created a  tile set I will use to craft the levels. I used the Mario images as sprites for my Mario object. 

Next, I created a scrip for horizontal and vertical collision with tiles. This will be used for my Mario and badguys to detect collision with tiles. 

I also coded in movement for my Mario character that allows movement as long as Mario has not collided with a tile. 

Last, I coded jumping into Mario that allows him to jump when the player is pressing space


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Dev Log (04-24-2019)

Today was interesting. I spent A lot of time perfecting Mario movement and jump.  I worked on getting his jump to be variable depending on how long you hold jump and I got his acceleration and deceleration working. 

Got the goomba coded in and sprited up. The code for jumping on them is a little wonky but works. Still need to put in their death animation. 

Dev Log (04-23-2019)

I spent most of today figuring out the manner in which I would implement question (?) boxes. 

At first, I played with the idea of using a object and switching sprite depending on the state of the object. That proved to be a fruitless endeavor, rather I began to focus on using a tile to represent the question (?) box. Then if the tile gets hit, create an instance of the question object which will play its animation then destroy itself. This seems like a much more promising avenue. 

I also worked on developing the user interface which is coming along.

Dev Log (04-22-2019)

MARIO: Today I worked on animating Mario. I got his run animation looking just about perfect. I also tried to get the slide animation working but I couldn't get my logic right.... 

LEVEL:  On top of that, I spent a good amount of time completing the level layouts. I have finished laying out level one and two. 

ENEMIES: I started uploaded the sprites and started the code for the Koopa Yroopa's. They are looking good so far, however, I haven't quite gotten ledge detection. 

Dev Log       (4-17-2019)

Today was an exciting day of development! I spent some time fine tuning the movement of my Mario object. I got his walking animation to look really close to the original, and I also got run functionality programmed into the Mario object.  

I worked on making a more complete and functional tileset, and laid some tiles for the level 1 room. The game is starting to take form in the way of a semi-functional Mario object and a accurate and functional tileset which will serve as the foundation for my levels. 

The next day of development I will work to complete the Mario object and start developing enemy object which mimic the orignal SMB1.

Looking forward to it!!